Special offer: My Ext.NET book for $5 until 8th Jan 2016

Hi. Just a note that Packt Publishing, the publisher of my Ext.NET Web Application Development book, is running a massive sale campaign.

All books, including mine, at $5 (in UK it is £4) until 8th Jan 2016. Get it here.

Although my book was written a while back and aimed at Ext.NET 2.x, it is still quite applicable for the current Ext.NET 3.x release – especially at that bargain price 🙂

Hope that helps!

2 thoughts on “Special offer: My Ext.NET book for $5 until 8th Jan 2016

  1. hi anup..i’am beginner in ext.net and need this book for study.can u give special price for this book ? i’am from jakarta indonesia and i dont have much money. Thanks a lot

    • Hi. Sorry I missed your comment. Unfortunately I don’t control the price of the book, the publisher does. I’ll try to contact them and see if they can offer any discount. Depending on your Ext.NET licence that you would need it may be possible to get the book included. You can contact the Ext.NET team to find out about that…

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